Derek’s Testimonial

March 3, 2017

Greetings Ravelco Team: I just wanted to say thank you for your superior product. Last month I had your Ravelco device installed in my 2017 F-250 Super Duty Pick Up. At first I was very upset at the car dealership because I thought I was getting a BIG DADDY SUPER DUTY like I had for so many years in the past. Instead (well at least in my opinion) I got a lifted F-150 that has a diesel engine in it that Ford now calls a SUPER DUTY. Like I said I was not happy with the new body change but I figured what the heck I better keep it because my old truck 2011 F-250 was getting old.
Last week I was running cattle and I noticed a truck park next to mine on the road where I parked the cattle trailer. I really didn’t think much of it because who would try to steal something from a truck while I right there nearby on a horse. At lunchtime as I was riding back over towards my truck and I noticed the driver’s door wide open. I knew I did not leave my truck like that. When I went to look inside the truck I saw my push button that starts my truck pulled out and hanging out of the dash. All the dash lights were lit just like it does when you use the key fob to start it. I called the police and they came out right away (2 hours) and took a report. The cop told me that your Ravelco stopped it. He asked me for my Ravelco plug and inserted it in the Ravelco unit. He pushed the start button and the truck started. The officer said that the thieves must have used a laptop scanner to open the door and to turn on my ignition since that new truck does not use a key any longer. He also asked why I did not have any Ravelco window stickers. I told him they were removed when I had the windows tinted. I then asked him if he was a part time Ravelco salesman and he laughed and said he has them in all his vehicles. I now love my new truck and I am glad your Ravelco protected it.

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